Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Why Church Matters by Joshua Harris

The title of this book caught my attention as I scanned some titles on As a Student Minister who works for a congregation I am very passionate about the Church. I have read books by Joshua Harris before and wanted to see what he had to say. It was a little slow getting into the book but the further in I went the more I was grabbed and the more I wanted to read. It is a very fast read (only 119 pages before the resources in the back).

Harris takes us on his own journey. He once did not view the church as something particularly important. He did what he calls "church shopping," and would stay at one as long as he pleased and then moved on to the next. As time went on, through the teaching of some mentors and a preacher on a cassette, Harris began to realize that the church was important.

He points out that the church is the bride of Christ. We really cannot confess to love Jesus but hate His bride. If we love Jesus, then we should care about the same things He does. Jesus deeply loves the church, so that is our example. It is not okay for us to not commit and just belong to the universal church. There is a special connection we receive through the local church. It is one way we grow that we simply cannot if we do not connect. In one chapter Joshua Harris lists 10 things to look for when looking for the right church to join. It was a very good list (not superficial like just finding the right kind of music).

I was very impressed with this book and will be sharing it with others. Harris really ended the book with the feeling of urgency and passion. I felt it and I want to pass it on.

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